भारतीय सर्वेक्षण विभाग | Survey of India
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Contents of Geo Spatial Data Guidelines
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Terms and Conditions
Department will abide with the Geospatial data guidelines 15 Feb 2021.
Department also agree for 10 free downloads only in a day through authorized person as given above.
Department agree for not sharing the user ID and password allotted to us by Survey of India to avoid any unauthorized use by any individual.
Department agree that the downloaded product will not be shared with any foreign entity or individual.
Data will be provided as available in the product list.
After the payment, data must be downloaded within the time stipulated in the downloaded link.
For reactivation of download link, kindly send your request in E-mail
Terms and Conditions
I(User) Accept the following:
I will abide with the Geospatial data guidelines o GoI dated 15 Feb 2021.
Data will be provided to me as available in the product list.
After making payment, I will download the product within the time stipulated in the link.
I agree that No refund of money will be made once the data downloaded by me.
I confirm that I will not sell the downloaded product with any other individual or Agency.
Terms and Conditions
I(User) Accept the following:
I will abide with the Geospatial data guidelines GoI dated 15 Feb 2021.
Data will be provided to you as available in the product list.
After making payment, I will download the product within the time stipulated in the link.
I agree that No refund of money will be made once the data is downloaded by me.
I confirm that I will not sell the downloaded product with any other individual or Agency.
I have verified GCP point on ground and I am satisfied that the GCP pillar is intact at the place.
Survey of India
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