About this portal

Survey of India, under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, has been engaged in the production and maintenance of various types of topographical, geographical and requirement specific maps on various scales covering India, for the development of the nation. It has also been extensively called upon to deploy its expertise in the fields of geodetic and geophysical surveys, environmental and disaster management, participation in Indian scientific expeditions to Antarctica and other projects related to digital cartography and digital photogrammetry, etc., to provide basic data to meet science and technology requirements.

The primary objective of the Online Maps Portal (OMP) is to provide convenient online access to various maps and GIS data products of Survey of India for both citizens and industries. In alignment with the objectives of the New Geospatial Policy, OMP aims to enhance the availability and usability of accurate location data for individuals, businesses, and government agencies. By fostering a collaborative environment within the geospatial industry, it seeks to improve services and ensure the nationwide accessibility of geospatial information, thereby promoting India's economic development.

This portal provides the following digital products to the citizens of India:

Topographical Data

Topographical data is the primary GIS product of the Survey of India (SoI), acquired through various methods of topographic surveys at a scale of 1:50,000 across PAN INDIA. These maps/data include all the topographic layers such as administrative boundaries, communications (roads and railways), hydrology, hypsography, and vegetation. Topographic data/maps that fall under the Open Series Map (OSM) are published on UTM Projection and WGS 84 datum and organized according to the SOI standard topo sheet indexing. OSM topo sheets are available on the Online Maps Portal (OMP) under the following map products:

  1. Topographical Map Full Sheet (Shapefile and .gdb) – Scale 1:50K: This product contains vector data in Shape file (.shp) / Geodatabase (.gdb) format of a full topo sheet of the Open Series Map at a scale of 1:50,000. This dataset includes all the topographic layers such as administrative boundaries, communications (roads and railways), hydrology, hypsography, and vegetation.
  2. Geo-referenced Color Raster Map (TIFF) – Scale 1:50K: This dataset is a geo-referenced raster of the Open Series Map at a 1:50K scale in (.tiff) format. This dataset includes all the topographic layers such as administrative boundaries, communications (roads and railways), hydrology, hypsography, and vegetation.
  3. Open Series Map (PDF) – Scale 1:50K: This is a PDF format of OSM toposheets at a scale of 1:50,000, available for free download. This dataset includes all the topographic layers such as administrative boundaries, communications (roads and railways), hydrology, hypsography, and vegetation.
  4. Digital Terrain Model – Scale 1:50K: This dataset is the Digital Elevation Model with a 10 meter resolution, generated from contours of OSM topo sheets at a scale of 1:50,000. The dataset covering the entire country is provided sheet-wise at a 1:50K scale in image (.img) and TIFF formats.

Digital Vector Data

Digital Vector Data (DVD) is prepared by generalizing 1:50,000 scale topographic data to a scale of 1:1 Million. This dataset contains administrative boundaries (sub-district, district, state boundaries with HQs and major towns), drainage features (related to water bodies such as rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, etc.), transportation layers (roads, railways, bridges, airports), and population centers (district HQs, major towns, state HQs) of the entire country. This dataset is differentiated coverage-wise and provided in the following three categories:

  1. Digital Vector Database - Entire Country - Scale 1:1M: This dataset contains the Digital Vector Data of the entire India at a scale of 1:1M provided in vector format (Shapefile). It contains all the layers mentioned above.
  2. Digital Vector Database - Small State - Scale 1:1M: This dataset contains the Digital Vector Data of the states categorized as Small States in the SoI pricing list. This is provided in vector format (Shapefile) at a scale of 1:1M and contains all the layers mentioned above.
  3. Digital Vector Database - Large State - Scale 1:1M: This dataset contains the Digital Vector Data of the states categorized as Large States in the SoI pricing list. This is provided in vector format (Shapefile) at a scale of 1:1M and contains all the layers mentioned above.

Administrative Boundary Database

This dataset contains administrative boundaries (state, district, sub-district boundaries along with their head quarters). This is available under the following product names:

  1. Administrative Boundary Database for Entire Country up to Taluk Level with HQ: This dataset includes administrative boundaries up to the Taluk /Sub district level (state boundary, district boundary, and taluk/sub district boundary) of the entire country.
  2. Administrative Boundary Database for Entire Country up to District Level with HQ: This dataset includes administrative boundaries up to the district level (state boundary and district boundary) of the entire country.
  3. Administrative Boundary Database for State up to Taluk Level with HQ: This dataset includes administrative boundaries up to the Taluk /Sub district level (state boundary, district boundary, and taluk/sub district boundary) of a state.
  4. Administrative Boundary Database for State up to District Level with HQ: This dataset includes administrative boundaries up to the district level (state boundary and district boundary) of a state.
  5. Village Boundary Database: This dataset includes administrative boundaries up to the village level (state boundary, district boundary, Taluk/sub district boundary, and village boundary) of a state up to the village level.

Digital Geographical Maps

These are small-scale maps covering larger geography and published with themes for specific purposes. Various geographical maps available in vector format (Shape file) are as follows:

  1. Railway Map of India - Scale 1:3.5M: This dataset provides comprehensive information about India's railway network. It includes data showing railway lines, stations, and important junctions across the country.
  2. Political Map of India - Scale 1:4M: This dataset offers detailed information on India's political boundaries. It includes maps that delineate state and union territory borders, major cities, and administrative divisions.
  3. Road Map of India - Scale 1:2.5M: This dataset features an extensive road network of India. It includes data highlighting national and state highways, important routes, and major cities.
  4. India & Adjacent Countries - Scale 1:2.5M: This dataset includes detailed maps of India and its neighboring countries. It provides information on the road networks, major cities, and international borders.
  5. Physical Map of India - Scale 1:4.5M: This dataset showcases India's physical geography. It includes maps displaying topographical features such as mountains, rivers, plains, and plateaus.
  6. World Map - Scale 1:20M: This dataset provides a global perspective with detailed world maps. It includes information on continents, countries, and major geographical features.

Other Free Maps

Various other special category maps are also available for free in PDF formats:

  1. Political Map of India: A collection of PDFs featuring both old and latest editions of political maps of India, published in different languages including Hindi, English, and Sanskrit since 1953.
  2. Physical Map of India: PDF of Physical Map of India in English at 1:4.5M scale.
  3. Road Map of India: A collection of PDFs featuring road maps of India.
  4. Railway Map of India: A collection of PDFs of Railway Maps of India in English and Hindi.
  5. India and Adjacent Countries: PDF of Map of India and adjacent countries.
  6. World Map: A collection of PDFs featuring world maps in Hindi and English.
  7. State Maps: A collection of PDF maps of various Indian states.
  8. Aeronautical Charts and Maps: These maps provide crucial information for air navigation. They include details on air routes, navigational aids, airports, and airspace boundaries to ensure safe and efficient air travel.
  9. Guide Maps: Guide maps are designed for specific locations, such as cities or tourist attractions. They include points of interest, landmarks, and important facilities to help visitors navigate and explore the area.
  10. Tourist Maps: Tourist maps are created to assist travelers in exploring various destinations. They highlight attractions, hotels, restaurants, and other services, offering a convenient way to plan and enjoy a trip.
  11. Educational Map Series: These maps are developed for educational purposes, covering various subjects like geography, history, and science. They help students understand and visualize complex information in an engaging manner.
  12. External Boundary Map of India: This map clearly depicts the international boundaries of India with neighboring countries. It shows the official borders and helps in understanding geopolitical relationships.
  13. Map Showing Conventional Signs: This map displays standard symbols and signs used on various types of maps. It's a valuable reference for understanding map legends and interpreting map data accurately.
  14. Antique Maps: Antique maps are historical representations of geographic areas. They provide insights into the cartographic knowledge and artistic styles of different eras, often being treasured collectibles.
  15. District Planning Map Series: These maps offer detailed information on administrative districts within a country. They include data on infrastructure, land use, population, and development plans for effective regional planning.
  16. Outline Map of India: An outline map of India shows the country's without additional details.

Geodetic Products & Services

  1. GCP Library Data:-The Ground Control Points (GCP) library is a collection of precise locations and descriptions of standard GCP pillars strategically planned and constructed by the Survey of India across PAN India. This library facilitates the establishment of the National Control Frame work for Surveying and Mapping activities. These GCP points can be used for ready reference to extend the GPS control network in specific areas. The GCPs provide precise and reliable coordinates of points, calculated after rigorous geodetic calculations and adjustments. They serve as the first level of control for various geodetic, topographic, and ground control surveys.

  2. CORS Services: The Survey of India provides a subscription-based network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) that delivers real-time positioning services with high accuracy through RTK/NRTK. This network enables precise geospatial data for various applications without the need for users to set up their own reference stations, enhancing the accessibility and reliability of GNSS measurements. CORS services are provided by Geodetic & Research Branch through CORS portal https://cors.surveyofindia.gov.in/

  3. GT Bench Marks: This dataset offers Helmert orthometric heights (in meters) above the Geoid (Indian Mean Sea Level) along with the detailed description and Co ordinates of location of various standard benchmarks established by the Survey of India by High-precision leveling across PAN India, conducted in various phases. These bench marks collectively define the Indian Vertical Datum.

  4. Magnetic Declination Charts: Isomagnetic Charts of Declination for Indian region are published by Survey of India at scale of 1:6,000,000 (1:6 million) at an interval of 5 years period, since epoch 1965. Magnetic declination charts are maps that indicate the angle between true north and magnetic north at various locations on Earth. This angle, known as magnetic declination, varies over time and across different regions. They typically display isogonic lines,which are lines of equal magnetic declination.

  5. Tide Table: The Indian Tide Table, published annually by the Survey of India, provides tidal predictions i.e. high and low water times and heights for each day of the year, for 72 ports worldwide, including 32 Indian and 40 foreign ports. The sea level data is collected from a network of tide gauges /observatories along the Indian coast, maintained by the Geodetic & Research Branch of the Survey of India. The publication of Tide Table is essential for mariners, fishermen, and coastal management authorities, offering crucial information for safe navigation and planning.

Content Owned & Maintained by Survey of India
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